If foreign entities, i.e. Washington, D.C., The City of London and Vatican City, allegedly controls everything, including the chaos, that goes on in the world via the Tri-Lateral Commission and the Council of Foreign Affairs, would our first move here in the U.S. be to disengage from this apparent control? Rothschild (banking) control? UN control? NATO involvement? In other words, the "Fed" needs to be nationalized and no longer controlled by these foreign entities? Did the U.S. really win it's independence from Great Britain? His-story tells us we won, but is this just an illusion since Washington, D.C. is not really a part of the United States? What does this mean? Who/what is in control then? Where do our tax dollars really go? To foreign entities? For what and who's purpose? I love your thinking and enjoyed your show! Thank you!

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And we appreciate your listening and your comments. Excellent questions., We are far down a road of surrendering sovereignty. God help us if we do. But, as you allude to, we’ve done it for decades. Globalists control our federal agencies, our federal budget, and increasingly the American people have no say at all.

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Thank you. So, why is this occurring? https://x.com/BrassBallsBlog/status/1798486230729994272 and

https://x.com/BrassBallsBlog/status/1798766198949285975 and, do they control the British Office of the Guardian, or is this one big psy-op with the Mossa*, MI*6 and MI*5 involved here, too? https://rumble.com/v4zzeor-2024-06-05-kim-and-the-trust-update.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2

And, are all of the above controlled, allegedly, by the Grey Pope Orsini? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orsini_family and https://www.nairaland.com/1203844/pope-richest-man-earth

https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/mje/2022/05/24/the-finances-behind-vatican-city/ (Michigan?!)

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